LorGa Letterkenny
Why use LorGa?
LorGa will supply you with goods and services that are all specific to Letterkenny and the local area, so you you will no longer have to search through dozens of websites or magazines looking for goods or services that are useful to you.

How does the service work?
The service works very simply. If you want to Find something you go to the Find page, fill out your details, i.e. what you need, how to contact you, etc. and await someone to contact you. Also, if a good or service similar to the kind you desire is posted in Offers, we will contact you. Alternatively, if you wish to offer a good or service, fill out the details on the Offer page, and await a response. Similarly, if a Find similar to the type you need, we will contact you and let you know.

How much does this cost?
This costs nothing, it will cost only what you and the other party agree on. LorGa will take no money from you whatsoever!

Are my contact details are safe?
Once you submit your contact details, you can choose whether or not you want your details published on the site, if you choose Yes, then people can contact you directly, however, if you choose No, then people will contact us and we will pass the messages onto you.